Why The Slight Edge Should Be Your Jumping Off Point to Living Your Dream Life

The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness was first published in 2005. Since then, the USA Today National Bestseller has helped hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life find success in both their personal and professional lives. How? “The Slight Edge introduces a new way of thinking to help people, like you and me, make the right choices daily,” said the book’s author, Jeff Olson.
Best in the Business
As the founder and CEO of Neora — an innovative, age-fighting skincare and wellness solutions company — Olson has developed a sales and marketing machine, with the help of a visionary executive and corporate team as well as Independent Brand Partners, and has created a culture and environment at Neora that breeds excellence and success. “Without applying the principles of The Slight Edge to my everyday life,” explained Olson, “Neora wouldn’t have been such a proud accomplishment.”
With decades of experience as an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and network marketer, Olson could write volumes on the ins and outs of creating a successful business, but The Slight Edge takes a slightly different approach – one that is proven to be a worthwhile read for men, women, and even teens — not just wannabe business moguls!
“The tools of this book have enabled me to tackle seemingly menial tasks in the name of accomplishing greater goals,” said Slight Edge fan Jacob Kemmerer from Issaquah, Washington. Kathryn Collier from Tennessee said that since both she and her husband read The Slight Edge, they’ve both stopped trying to make big changes, only to fail. Instead, the couple now makes small commitments they can keep!
For more ways The Slight Edge has helped others, follow the book’s Facebook fan page @yourslightedge.
Your Path to Success
As mentioned earlier, The Slight Edge takes a different approach from the traditional themes of many other personal development books on the market. Part of the reason for the immense success of Olson’s The Slight Edge is the transparent and comfortable manner in which he talks about topics relevant to people who want to find success and happiness in their professional and personal lives by changing their approach to decision making. Olson offers a remarkably simple idea as the premise for The Slight Edge, instead of trying to completely overhaul yourself and your life, you can follow The Slight Edge plan, which is a simple “easy-to-do but also easy-not-to-do” journey to a more fulfilled life. In a nutshell, The Slight Edge is about consistently making simple daily choices that will help lead you to the success and happiness you desire. Olson himself has traveled this path, with multiple ups and downs, and documents his exciting journey in this book.
Olson’s work — both in his book, through his company and his other ventures — has changed the lives of many folks throughout the United States and beyond. He has the recipe for success and happiness — and he doesn’t just teach it…he lives it, too.
Interested in creating powerful results in all areas of your life? If your answer is yes, visit The Slight Edge website for more details! In the meantime, tag one person you think can benefit from The Slight Edge principles!
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