The Power of the New Year!

Neora Vice President of Marketing Patricia Finn talks about New Year’s resolutions and harnessing the power of planning!
With the advent of the new year, it’s time to think about what 2018 will hold and what goals you’d like to achieve.
If you’re like me, in years past, I’ve let the new year come and go without giving serious thought to what I truly wanted to accomplish in the coming year. What I’ve learned from that approach is that if you don’t set measurable goals and objectives for yourself, you most likely won’t plan to accomplish those goals. If you don’t map out a plan, you don’t set yourself up for success. Why? Because success and accomplishments don’t just fall into your lap. Think about one significant moment in your life and how you got there. Odds are, the reason you’re so proud of that accomplishment is that you worked hard to reach it. And, if you worked for it, by definition, you planned for it.
Intentions aren’t actions
Here’s a personal example: In high school, I ran track, played volleyball and tennis; I was in great shape. But in college, I stopped working out. After graduation, at the beginning of each year, I’d tell myself this was the year I was going to start getting back in shape. I believed it. Until the next year rolled around and I hadn’t done anything. So, I made the same promise to myself the next year and the next. This cycle continued for two decades. This past year, though, was different. I wrote down all my priorities. Living a healthy life and exercising was still on my list. But, I had to stop and think, should it really be on my list? I mean, if I kept writing down that exercising was one of my top priorities, then why wasn’t I doing it?
Plan your work and work your plan
I started making a list of reasons I wasn’t working out. Lists are a great way to put some order around all the thoughts running through your head! My reasons included: not wanting to go to a gym, not wanting to get up early to drive to a gym, not knowing the proper way to use the equipment, and not wanting to exercise after a full day at the office or wake up early on weekends. All pretty simple issues to solve, but for some reason, as hard as I tried, I couldn’t seem to get into a consistent workout routine. So, for 2017 I decided to try a different approach.
If at first you don’t succeed…
In 2017, I came up with a plan. I decided to hire a personal trainer to come to my house. I got a reference from a friend and found a great trainer I could afford. I arranged for him to come to my house Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6:30 a.m. This solved the problem of not wanting to get up at 5:45 a.m. for a 6:30 a.m. class and not wanting to drive to a gym. Plus, it added an essential element to completing my goal: accountability. Believe me, this took some getting used to. I’m not going to lie, I’m not a morning person, and getting up and being ready at 6:30 a.m. for a workout was a huge adjustment. In the beginning, there were at least a handful of times I answered the door to greet my trainer still in my pajamas! I was obviously embarrassed that I wasn’t ready, but with no way to get out of the appointment, I quickly changed into workout clothes and got to it. It turns out, that’s what it took.
Persistence pays off
It used to be a real struggle to get up and ready to work out. Now, I’m up, reading the news with a cup of coffee before my trainer arrives. Now that my body is in better shape, it’s had a domino effect on my overall well-being. I’m eating better – incorporating more fruits and vegetables into my diet. I’m also augmenting my workouts and healthier meals along with Neora’s wellness supplements, including our Youth Factor Vitality Complex and Youth Factor Superfood & Antioxidant Boost Powder. The Youth Factor combo is an easy way to keep me feeling my best. The tablet helps me boost my energy and primes my body to get all the benefits out of the powder. The powder, on the other hand, is perfect for on-the-go nutrients. In the stick pack form, I can take the Youth Factor Powder with me anywhere I go – to the office, in the car, and on flights. It’s an easy way to keep me feeling healthy and energized on the inside while I rely on Neora Age-Defying Night and Day Creams, Double-Cleansing Botanical Face Wash and Eye-V Moisture Boost Hydrogel Patches to keep me looking good on the outside!
My father used to tell me that there are only two things you can’t replace in life. One is your education and the second is your health. So, with the start of a new year, I hope you take the opportunity to focus on your health, both inside and out and on any other goals you’ve been waiting to tackle. Today’s the day to harness the power of the new year!!
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