3 Tips to Incorporate More Movement During the Holidays

The time from Thanksgiving to January 1 is always packed with holiday parties, extra desserts, and a full to-do list! Between social gatherings, holiday shopping, and family time, it can be difficult to maintain your fitness goals. That’s okay!
With less time for workouts and more time eating big holiday meals, you may be waking up later and feeling a bit sluggish this month. A calendar full of dinners and parties makes meal prep feel pointless. But there are small ways that you can incorporate movement so that you feel good throughout the holidays!
Mindset First
First, change your mindset around movement. Instead of moving to burn calories or get fit, move to feel good! Movement of all kinds – running, yoga, weight training, Pilates, swimming, etc – supports mental health. Movement releases stress, energizes you, AND boosts your metabolism so those heavier meals don’t leave you feeling fatigued.
Once you change your mindset around movement, you’ll be more motivated to fit in some type of workout. You might even decide to relax in a yoga class instead of relaxing on the couch with wine and Netflix!
Fit Movement in Where You Can
Running straight from the office to a holiday party? Instead of an hour yoga class or even a 15-minute workout video, do a few seated stretches in between meetings. Right before you eat, head to the restroom and do 30 air squats to give your metabolism a little boost before your meal. While your shower is warming up, set a timer and do a one-minute plank! Do a few push-ups while your morning coffee brews. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can!
Use The Cold to Your Advantage
We burn more calories in the cold because the body must work harder to maintain homeostasis. First thing in the morning, head outside for a quick cardio burst workout. Use your backyard or a nearby park and plan a 10-15 minute workout or go for a short run! A nice, hot shower after a cold, outdoor workout is as satisfying as dessert. Plus, cold exposure has been shown to boost the immune system, help reduce stress, and boosts energy!
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