Neora Original Formula to Age IQ® Night and Day Creams

See the Difference with Age IQ® Night and Day Creams
We understand. When you really love a product, it can be hard to believe that something even better is out there. We want you to experience for yourself how our Age IQ Night and Day Creams truly are our smartest skincare ever. We want you to hear from people just like you – the following are testimonials from customers who were loyal fans of our original Night and Day Creams, who then tried Age IQ Night and Day Creams and experienced even better results!

Tracy S.
“I started using [Neora’s original] Night Cream in August ’14 and thought nothing could top it, but I decided to switch to Age IQ. Within two days I texted my friend asking, “Am I crazy or is your skin is glowing too?” After about a month people started randomly making comments like, “I know you use your Neora, but what are you doing different?” Fast forward to today, people have stopped me or messaged me saying “What are you doing to your face?!” “Tracy, your forehead and skin are amazing!” So my experience has been great, Age IQ is amazing!”

Sandy H.
“I used [Neora’s original] Night Cream faithfully. Then, along came Age IQ and I decided to give it a try to see how it could improve my skin. It blew me away! I saw fast changes and I fell in love with my skin again. I never go to sleep without my night cream!”

Claudine F.
“I used the Age IQ® Night and Day Creams. The before picture is my skin looking great after 4 1⁄2 years [using Neora’s original Night and Day Creams]. I was excited to start the Age IQ, but frankly, was wondering how it was going to be able to improve upon the skin that complete strangers would ask me about. After only a couple of days, I was so happy with the silkiness of my skin that I couldn’t stop talking about it and having people feel it! … [Over time,] I was pleasantly surprised to see that my pores were almost non-existent and my jawline had tightened up. My favorite part about the Age IQ is the fact that the mask stays tight all night. Also, I love how my skin feels so silky smooth after washing it off. Thank you … for another great product!”

Lisa S.
“I began using [Neora’s original] Night Cream March 1, 2018. My skin was looking a little better with use, but then when I switched and began using Age IQ® Night Cream … my skin completely transformed. It became smooth, and I had a glowing complexion. My skin got more tight and overall looked healthy. Age IQ is phenomenal and feels amazing, and it has given me back my confidence to face the world.”

Debbi-Jo H.
“I am a Brand Partner and have religiously used our [original Night and Day Creams] for 5 1⁄2 years, so I was not expecting any big changes, but look! The after picture is after using the Age IQ® for 30 days.”
Great results!!😊