How Having the Right Philosophy Can Change your Life

Since opening doors in 2011, Neora’s philosophy has been to Make People Better. Following through hasn’t been too hard for us. Mostly, because every Neora Brand Partner and corporate employee are truly connected to Neora – a global company driven by 10 Core Values. These 10 core values drive us and our business. And, eventually, these values will also help you achieve exactly what you want: rank and business.
A Slice of Life
The thing about embracing the right philosophy is that doing so shapes your attitudes and worldview. Suddenly, you become aware of what’s important and what isn’t or what matters and what doesn’t. That realization sets in motion a chain reaction: the right philosophy creates attitudes, which creates actions, which creates results, which creates the life you want. You get the idea.
You know, I’ve been where you are now – with similar goals and expectations. I can only hope that sharing some of my own experiences and “wise words” will offer insight and guidance as you move forward with your own journey.
Money Can’t Buy Happiness
I’ve said this before and will say it a hundred times more: happiness really is a precursor to success. First, choose the right philosophy, second, set goals important to you, third, make it happen, and fourth, reach the top. Live, breathe, and believe in Neora’s 10 Core Values and find happiness in even the smallest acts of kindness. Again, happiness is a precursor to success – in your professional as well as personal life. If an individual can achieve real success because of the right frame of mind, can you imagine what a group of people with shared vision and goals working for the same company can accomplish?
A Growth Experience
One of my favorite Core Values is “go slow to go fast.” Neora’s unwavering commitment to impact as many people as possible by means of our breakthrough products and philanthropic efforts are all founded on Neora’s principle of doing the job right the first time. This idea has never changed. Also, for a company with a “slow down to go fast” philosophy, we sure have shown unprecedented growth in a very short amount of time!
Don’t get me wrong, few journeys are without obstacles. That’s just part of life! But, to reach the top, you must start at the bottom. Besides, experiencing the up as well as the downs is part of the adventure and will help you grow and learn in unimaginable ways.
The Real Deal
What we have accomplished as a team is remarkable. No, I’m not talking about growth, profit, or industry awards – although, that part has been pretty cool too – I’m talking about what we’ve accomplished because of our core values and positive philosophy. Look closely. Can you see it; can you feel it? What we’ve done here, is build a company and cultivate a culture around the word: REAL.
Neora is more than an anti-aging company. Our innovative products are backed by REAL science supported by clinically proven REAL results. And, that’s why we can offer prospects REAL opportunities. Done and done. But, our greatest accomplishment by far is Neora’s company culture which is how we attract REAL people who want to create REAL lifestyles for themselves.
The Real Reason
Neora’s company culture serves as a blueprint for everything we set out to do – company culture is our DNA. I think we’ve been doing a pretty fine job so far! Imagine what the next five years have in store.
As Founder and CEO of Neora, I’ve always focused on who we are as a company and what we want to achieve as a group. At the end of the day, go back to three words: Make People Better. Living, breathing, and believing in Neora’s 10 Core Values allow us to do just that! Above all else, Neora will continue to be a REAL company. Every step of the way. Because we have the right philosophy and we are changing lives.
So, sit back and ask yourself: how has your philosophy changed since joining Neora and how is that working out for you? I want to hear from you! Add your comments below!
I can’t Thank you enough for the book “The Slight Edge” It has changed my thinking so much! I think that should a mandatory read book for every person in high school!!! I have read 10 pages in a book every night since reading this book along with 3 things I am grateful for. It is surprising how many books you can get through this way and how much you learn!!
Thanks JO #BetterWithNeora
Neora snuck into my life and gave me something I had no idea even existed, but did exist inside me. It was the spark that lit a fire inside of me. Thank you. You changed my life by giving a better lenses to see the world and my role in making change possible.
My attitude has been shining brighter practicing the slight edge philosophy. No matter the circumstance I come out winning. Neora’s culture can only improve any community. To live and experiencing Neora at its finest can not be described unless experienced. Let me add when together its the best party that I have ever attended!
This company has made me a better person! A better Christian, wife, mother and grandmother; even a better friend!
Your vision and continued leadership with Nerium continues to touch my heart! It’s the people and the “actual” cultural commitment to Making People Better in a loving, caring, sharing way that has motivated me to continue to be a better person, partner, leader, friend and a faithful woman who’s personal growth at 60, is now CEO of my own company! It takes a village sometimes! With a grateful heart, Katte W.
Hi Jeff, my name is William Radovanovich from New Zealand.
I’ve been involved with Neora for 5 months now and I have also been involved in other networks in the passed, Neora gave me the personal growth within the 10 core values.
Make people better is a term that I’ve been using well talking to PCs and BPs, and the Real people, Real results is one that I believe peaks a persons interests.
Life’s ups and downs I feel, Neora has a product for that haha, when your up talk to the downline, and when your down talk to the upline.
Thanks Jeff, and Neora.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
I agree. It’s an adventure. I’ve had my own struggles and I can attest the core values has kept me focused. Most important; is believing and keeping plugged in. This is an incredible company to call home. ❤️ Thank you Jeff Olson.
Absolutely love it! I knew in the beginning I needed to let go of what ‘I thought I knew’ and do everything you wrote about Jeff. Be 10 core – it will give you more. Many times I still feel uncomfortable but that’s ok if it’s what will help me grow and be successful. Success for me is not just financial. It’s sharing what I’ve learned with others and enjoying the journey. The journey is within too. Trust the process. 😉
Hi Jeff, hope all is well.
When do you guys plan to bring Neora´s products and principles to Brazil and other countries in Latin America ? I have a sound experience in MLM in this part of the world and would be glad to collaborate with you somehow.
Thanks for your time and all the best !
Mauricio, be sure to follow Neora on Facebook to get all the latest announcements as we expand.
My understanding had change … My words don’t matter … I now believe ! Never did I dream like I do today … !
Thank you just doesn’t cover it !
Hugs ! Lots of Love !