4 Ways Neora Empowers Female Entrepreneurs

Every year in November, the world celebrates Women’s Entrepreneurship Day to support and inspire more female business leaders. According to a report from American Express, 42% of all businesses in the United States are women-owned and generate more than $1.9 trillion in revenue. Despite the increase in representation, women still face obstacles at a higher rate than their male counterparts, including balancing business and home life, inadequate access to funding and a good support network. Even with these setbacks female entrepreneurship continues to grow.
Neora celebrates Women’s Entrepreneurship Day (WED) on November 19, by recognizing the many achievements women have made to the economy, the community and innovations to business in the United States and around the world. Neora is also a top choice among women who want to start a business on their own terms. These women employ other women, sell clean-meets-performance products to women who want to look and feel great, and serve as role models to the next generation of female business leaders.
“I get to help people … and with four kids watching, I am able to display how good work ethic can help you succeed in life and in business,” says Area Marketing Director Kenitra Neary.
Here are four reasons why more women are choosing Neora to fulfill their entrepreneurial dreams:
1. Budget-Friendly Startup Costs
One of the obstacles that often deters women from starting a business is the lack of funding opportunities compared to their male counterparts. Neora believes in the power of entrepreneurship and has always advocated for leveling the playing field for everyone. With a low cost of $20 to sign up as a Brand Partner and true e-commerce business model, anyone with a phone can start their business in a matter of minutes.
2. Work-Life Harmony
Being a mother is one of the toughest jobs out there, but Neora makes life easier for busy moms by giving them the ability to run their businesses while everything is in motion. With a virtual cloud office, Brand Partners can access their business tools at anytime, anywhere, including in the carpool line, during soccer practice, or throughout the school day. A Neora business allows Brand Partners to easily blend their work responsibilities with other aspects of their lives for a more flexible schedule.
3. Women Find Success in Relationship Marketing
More than 80 percent of independent salespeople in direct sales in the United States are female, according to the Direct Selling Association. One reason is direct sales is a relationship business and women are especially adept at relationship building and networking which are key tenets for business success. Women also bring strong communication skills, including empathy and active listening. Combine these skills with Neora’s successful age-defying product line, and it’s even easier for women to sell to like-minded people who are interested in looking and feeling their best.
4. Mentorship and Support
Women in business often find success through mentorship and actively participate in supporting one another. Mentorship relationships contribute to professional development and the advancement of women in various industries, especially direct selling. Neora’s robust support network is literally a global group of people who support each other through success stories, insights, and experiences to motivate and provide inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs. Once someone becomes a Brand Partner, they are fully embraced by the Neora family and will believe in them until they start believing in themselves.
A One-of-a-Kind Business Experience
The Neora opportunity is truly one-of-a-kind because it empowers women to take control of their financial future and live their best life. Plus, with a compensation plan structured to reward success, people can start earning from day one. As Neora’s age-defying products continue to grow in popularity because of the amazing results so will the possibilities.
So grateful for the gift of Neora! It has allowed me to work around the needs of my family with flexibility!! Also allowed me to mentor other women step into entrepreneurship!!