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Neora launched in 2011 with a single product and an immense vision for our future. Our guiding mantra: Make People Better. Sound big? Great! Our goal is to make people feel better. Make people look better. Make people live better. We want to help people become the best versions of themselves—through transformative products, opportunities for community, mentoring, and the determined pursuit of happiness.
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Neora launched in 2011 with a single product and an immense vision for our future. Our guiding mantra: Make People Better. Sound big? Great! Our goal is to make people feel better. Make people look better. Make people live better. We want to help people become the best versions of themselves—through transformative products, opportunities for community, mentoring, and the determined pursuit of happiness.
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Neora launched in 2011 with a single product and an immense vision for our future. Our guiding mantra: Make People Better. Sound big? Great! Our goal is to make people feel better. Make people look better. Make people live better. We want to help people become the best versions of themselves—through transformative products, opportunities for community, mentoring, and the determined pursuit of happiness.
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But why not both? The new LashLush and Brow Growth Serum from Neora is changing the game. The vegan, non-toxic serum delivers results in as little as four weeks, and unlike other brands, it won’t damage lash extensions while you wait for your natural lashes to grow.
“Lash Lush is a one-of-a-kind product and is the result of years of research and countless formula iterations,” said Amber Olson, Co-Founder and President of Neora, a global leader in skincare, haircare, and wellness products. It’s also formulated without the harmful ingredients found in other leading lash serums, and is free from hormones or any form of prostaglandin analog.
“We aimed to provide a solution that delivered on its promise of full, healthy lashes and brows, without having to resort to using ingredients that can cause potentially serious adverse reactions,” Olson said. Lash Lush is ophthalmologist-tested for safety and clinically proven results.
The serum strengthens, lengthens, and volumizes lashes and thickens brows, producing visible results in as little as four weeks and building over time. The serum also helps prevent breakage and loss of existing lash and brow hair.